Message from the President
President and Chief Executive Officer
Naoki Ichikawa
Rhombic Corporation was separated from Mitsubishi Yuka Corporation (now Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation) and began operations in 1984. Since then, we have worked in the field of plastics such as resin compounds, plastics sales, logistics services, and plastics inspection and analysis. We have consolidated a position as a total solution provider of plastics based on our technique, experience, and dependability. As a member of Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation, our company plays an important role in the advanced polymers business of Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation and the polyolefin business of Japan Polychem Corporation. We will continue to try to meet new demands with high professional consciousness and teamwork under the company principle, held since our establishment, “Challenge, Sweat, and Harmony”.
Our company name, “RHOMBIC,” is associated with the English adjective “Rhombus” meaning “diamond-shaped”. We place “customers”, “communities”, “stockholders”, and “employees” at the four corners of “the diamond” and entrust our company name with a management philosophy to value each bond and communication, and to contribute to the world. We will respond to a wide range of requests from customers including manufacturing, analyzing, selling, logistics, as well as providing various services. In addition, we seek to return proper profits to our stockholders, to create an environment where employees can work comfortably, and to make efforts to coexist with the local community and contribute to society. We aim to be a KAITEKI Company which can help create the sustainable society of the future.Thank you for your guidance and encouragement.
About the Company Name
Managemnt Philosophy
We regard the four corners of the company name “RHOMBIC” (Rhombus) as “Customers, Communities, Employees, and Stockholders,”and we aim to be a company that is “good for the four directions”
Company Principle
Since our establishment, the company principle has been “Challenge, Sweat, Harmony” a slogan which encourages us to tackle changes (Challenge), concentrate our wisdom and effort (Sweat), and complete the plan with teamwork (Harmony).